Sins of a Dark Age Wiki
Veric (unit)
Unit Information
Stats: Attack Power: 6.6 (+ 1.1 / level)
Attack Speed: 0.48
Health: 255 (+ 45 / level)
Armor: 6
Movement Speed: 2.70
Gold: Bullets-coin2.5 (+ 0.11 / level)
Experience: 7.6 (+ 0.33 / level)
Member of: Veric altar Veric Camp


BuffIcon-Ability-Creep-NightBonus Night Ferocity:

This unit has increased Attack Speed at Night.

Attack Speed: 0.95 at Night

BuffIcon-Ability-Veric-OnDeathPoison Corrosive Cloud:

Upon death a cloud of toxins is released from the Veric's corpse, dealing constant Magic Damage to any enemies who enter the area.

Magic Damage: 10 (+ 2.5 per level)

Radius: 1.25


Verics receive a buff from a nearby Veric King:

Unit-Creep-Veric-King-Default Aura: Veric Swarm:

This unit has increased Attack Power.

Attack Power: 20%

Radius: 7.0


A very weak monster with a melee attack.


Patch History:[]

When verics die they now emit Corrosive Cloud: Upon death a cloud of toxins is released from the Veric's corpse, dealing constant Magic Damage to any enemies who enter the area.

See Also:[]
